Welsh Assembly Government Anti-Slavery Conference
I will be attending the Welsh Assembly Government Anti-Slavery Conference on 14th July at the SWALEC stadium. With guests including Jeff Farrar and Kevin Hyland, the conference will be looking at the impact of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 on Wales.
I will be attending the Welsh Assembly Government Anti-Slavery Conference on 14th July at the SWALEC stadium, and the main theme of the conference will be how the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and National Referral Mechanism (NRM) Review Recommendations will impact on Wales.
Some of the guests speakers include:
• Jeff Farrar, Chief Constable of Gwent Police who represents the Welsh Police Forces and the National Police lead on Modern Slavery
• Kevin Hyland, the UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner
• Offer Stern-Weiner, Head of the Home Office Modern Slavery Unit
• Dr Mwenya Chimba, Development. Research and Information Manager, Bawso
• Paul Broadbent, Chief Executive of the Gangmasters Licensing Authority
• Kim-Ann Williamson, Equality, Diversity and Community Engagement Manager, Crown Prosecution Service in Wales and Chair of the Wales Anti-Slavery Leadership Group Training Sub-Group
• Simon Maal, Head of Intelligence ‘Operation TARIAN’ and Chair of the Wales Anti-Slavery Leadership Group’s Joint Intelligence Board
• Mark Heath, Gangmasters Licensing Authority and Wales Anti-Slavery Leadership Group lead for Tackling Labour exploitation
• Emma James, Tackling Child Exploitation Expert
• Kate Hood, Llamau, Training Advisor and Trainer for the Wales Anti-Slavery Training Programme
• Jim Coy, North Wales Regional Anti-Slavery Co-ordinator and ‘Reception Centre’ Lead for ‘Operation Base’
• Nici Evans, Partnerships and Citizen Focus Manager, Cardiff Council and Chair of the Cardiff and the Vale Anti-Slavery Forum (TBC)
• Chloe Setter, Head of Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns for Child Trafficking, ECPAT UK (TBC)
I will be writing in more detail following the event, so be sure to check back here for my thoughts on the conference.